Applications Hosting

The CYDN server farm is available to those customers who do not wish to host critical applications.

CYDN’s servers are located in a controlled and secure environment with daily data back up facilities. Your organisation can be secure in the knowledge that minimal data will be lost if a local server fails..

Citrix services are available to host applications and lower bandwidth requirements for remote locations. By combining Citrix capabilities and access via the Internet your organisation could gain greater access to corporate applications. Staff who are mobile and remote from the office can access corporate systems with ease and flexibility.

CYDN markets a Citrix application hosting service that gives remote access to the accounting packages, Attache and Powerlink. Cape York Councils and businesses that use this service attest to improved work flexibility and the efficiencies this service gives their organisations.

Call CYDN now to discuss your needs and arrange a consultation to tailor a solution to your organisation.

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Contact Us

Cape York Digital Network
242 Sheridan Street, Cairns QLD 4870
2nd Floor, The Rear Building
P: 07 4019 6227
F: 07 4051 9088